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American Economy In Freefall

December 12th, 2008

What began as a financial crisis in the U.S. housing and mortgage market has metastasized as a virulent global economic cancer. The U.S. economy is imploding, and taking down much of the world with it. In a tsunami of financial panic, central banks across the globe have been slashing interest rates to virtual zero, while simultaneously borrowing and printing trillions of dollars, which are being injected into failing banking systems.

With global financial arteries clogged, the economies of the planet are now cratering, with the United States economy in particular imploding at an alarming rate. A concrete example of this is the impending bankruptcy of the American automobile industry, which directly and indirectly represents the core of what is left of the domestic manufacturing industry in the United States. Ford, Chrysler and especially GM have told the U.S. government and its elected representatives in no uncertain terms that unless the government injects untold tens of billions of dollars into their virtually empty coffers, those companies will go bankrupt in a matter of months. GM has even indicated it could be forced to shut down within weeks.

With a federal budget deficit that has grown from the hundreds of billions to the trillions of dollars, where is the U.S. Treasury going to get these vast funds for the industrial bailout requests that are now piling on? Perhaps soon the retail sector of the American economy will be coming to Capital Hill, hat in hand. However, an infinite series of bailouts is not a solution to the global economic crisis.

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